BCS requested Egan in its Prop 39 Facilities request on Nov, 1... and now LASD twists the language...
Category - Schools
Articles and videos about Los Altos Area Schools including the Los Altos School District, Bullis Charter School, Cupertino Union and surrounding private and public schools. Reports on changes in school facilities, public funding of schools, school board elections and school bond elections. Articles on the Bullis Charter School curriculum and changing facilities. In Los Altos the school grounds are maintained by the City. After school hours the grounds provide a park for the neighborhood.
Our local public schools are top-rated. But when the public school stops being a good fit for a child, it is time for parents to consider a private school that can maximize the child’s happiness and lifetime potential.
Vote Abstain in Boring LASD Trustee Election… or for Ying...
Another couple of years have elapsed and here is another Los Altos School District LASD Trustee...
LASD Trustees Decide Not to Decide on Kohls 10th site –...
Here is my 'professional' video of the Oct. 8 meeting shot in widescreen 1080p on a professional...
MV City Council postpones Kohls 10th site decision indefinitely...
The larger Mountain View City Council discussion about making agendas shorter, provided an...
BCS Announces its Prop 39 Facilities Application
LASD trustees have been hinting there could be some kind of momentous announcement at the Oct. 8...
Bullis Charter unreceptive to Kohls 10th site – a guide to...
LASD Trustees visited the Bullis Charter Board meeting to publically discuss the Kohls 10th site on...
Kohls 10th site -LASD Trustees Visit North El Camino to discuss
On Sunday, Sept. 30, Los Altos School District officials and Mountain View City officials visited...
LASDs Leaky, Divisive Fear-Mongering About BCS Growth Plan
The LASD trustees accomplished a lot of their ToDos on the night of Sept. 10 board meeting...
LASD Envisions Bullis Charter School on Kohls 10th Site
The District showed 'what if' architectural renderings of how a 900 student school could be...
Task Force Predictably Chooses Charter School for Kohls 10th Site
It's no surprise the majority of the Los Altos School District’s 10th site task force voted to...