In fall of 2019, we wrote an in-depth article about the myriad technical issues limiting the future...
Category - Parks & Rec
Halsey House Restoration – shocking 202 person occupancy
The consultant Architectural Resources Group (ARG) hired by the City of Los Altos in August 2019 to...
MVLA Board may Share Pools with City and Neighbors
At the Aug. 12, 2019 MVLA Board meeting, a Mountain View High School neighbor - Larry Baron of Los...
NCLA Library Task Force faces headwinds
On February 26, 2019, Los Altos Council Members revealed their opinions about the potential...
Is Mystery Measure C Survey within Campaign Finance Regs?
Read the entire text of the "Mystery Measure C Survey" referenced in the the front page story on...
Los Altos City Council responds to “Radical” SOP Initiative
Los Altos City Council has directed staff to begin a process to create an ordinance to amend the...
Council probes parks ballot initiative
May 22, 2018: Council ordered a 9xxxx report to analyze the effects of the parks ballot initiative...
Childrens Corner Considers City’s New Terms for Hillview Space
n April 10, 2018 City Council faced a council chamber filled with parents from Childrens Corner...
New Los Altos Proposition for November Ballot – Prevent Park and Public Land Improvements
Supporters of a Los Altos proposition for the November ballot -- which if passed would have the...
First Architectural Renderings of Hillview Community Center Task Force Recommendation
...The brand new renderings of the exterior -- still quite preliminary by the way -- incorporate a...