Here is part 3 of the lightly edited event transcript of Nuts and Bolts of ADUs in Los Altos —...
Category - Planning
Nuts & Bolts of ADUs in Los Altos – Transcript 2 – Panelists
Here is the transcript of Part 2 - Nuts and Bolts of ADUs in Los Altos, a a Feb. 27, 2020...
Nuts & Bolts of ADUs in Los Altos – Transcript 1 – ADU Law Changes
Here is a lightly edited transcript of this event...On Feb.27, 2020 the Los Altos Affordable...
How to Build an ADU in Los Altos
Over 100 people flocked to Los Altos Youth Center to learn how to build an ADU in Los Altos. At the...
A Los Altos El Camino Specific Plan like Mountain View?
THE MALADY – All the most recent zoning ordinances, roll-backs, and building moratoriums in the...
Livable California to Amend State Constitution
Livable California - a grass-roots organization opposed to most State Housing bills - held a "town...
CASA at cross purposes with MTC & ABAG on Housing
Joint MTC/ABAG commissions of elected officials met for over four hours on Friday, March 8, 2019...
Los Altos City Council Candidates 2018…Hillview, Library, Vision, Housing, Measure C
Based on the evidence of their words and actions, here's a prediction of how the various Los Altos...
RRM presents recommended Downtown Vision scenario
On May 22, 2018 the RNN consultants presented their recommended Downtown Vision scenario based on...
Missing Middle Housing for Teachers near Los Altos
County Supervisor Joe Simitian and the public heard ~30 local teachers tell their personal stories...