Thanks to KMVT Channel 15 and Friends of Los Altos for sponsoring and producing this YOUTUBE of the Oct. 6 "debate / conversation" for Los Altos City Council Candidates 2014 held in the KMVT studio. You can use the timing below to move to the sections of the video you care about. Just drag the white dot and watch the time. I also created links to the START of EACH question. On a desktop computer, clicking those will open a new window for viewing. On a mobile device your mileage may vary.
Don't have time to even skim the video? Take a peak at the partial "transcript" article.
TOPICS: Canyon on First Street, Downtown Parking, City-Schools and Measure N, Absolute 2-term Limit, Community Pool, Civic Center Bond Financing, Building Height for Main & State streets zone, Bike & Pedestrian thoughts, South Los Altos-Loyola, Outsource Police, Library Expansion, U-turns
0:00: 50 Jarrett Fishpaw
0:01: 40 Jean Mordo
0:03: 40 Karen Berner
0:05: 15 Mary Prochow
0:06: 35 Alex Glew
0:08: 50 What do you think of the Canyon on FIRST STREET. How would you have voted?
Mordo, Fishpaw, Berner, Glew, Prochow
0:25:35 What is you position of MEASURE N and Why. What about city-school relations?
Fishpaw, Mordo, Prochow, Berner, Glew
0:28:55 Would you vote to support a 2-TERM LIMIT for council, with absolutely no return after 2 terms?
Prochow, Berner, Fishpaw, Glew, Mordo
0:35:50 About Phase I of the Community Center project. What is is you position on including the COMMUNITY POOL as part of the Phase I bond?
Berner, Mordo, Fishpaw, Glew, Prochow
0:41:40 Could you comment on the FINANCING of Phase I of the Community Center?
Berner, Glew, Mordo, Prochow, Fishpaw
0:49:00 Going back to downtown, Main and State streets. What is your position on raising the maximum BUILDING HEIGHT there from 30 feet (2-stories, the current zoning) to 45 feet, 3 or 4 stories)?
Fishpaw, Berner, Mordo, Glew, Prochow
0:53:55 BIKES, CARS, PEDETRIANS? How do they relate to the downtown and the greater community? What are your thoughts and ideas on how to integrates these three modes?
Prochow, Fishpaw, Mordo, Glew, Berner
1:07:25 What is your vision for LOYOLA Corners? What can be done to make SOUTH LOS ALTANS feel more a part of greater Los Altos?
Fishpaw, Glew, Mordo, Berner Prochow
1:13:50 If elected, do you feel you have an obligation to serve a FULL TERM?
Berner, Mordow, Glew, Fishpaw, Prochow
1:16:10 Should the City consider having the County Sheriff provide the POLICE SERVICES instead of our own City Department of Police?
Glew, Mordo, Glew, Prochow, Fishpaw, Berner, Glew
1:24:30 What is you position on changes that should take place to the LIBRARY?
Berner, Mordo, Prochow, Glew, Fishpaw, Berner, Mordo
1:33:00 Downtown on Main Street, should the police ENFORCE those double yellow lines which make U-TURNS [to get the parking spot] illegal? Or not enforce?
Fishpaw yes, all agreed yes
1:38:15 Mary Prochow
1:39:38 Jarrett Fishpaw
1:40:45 Karen Berner
1:41:25 Jean Mordo
1:42:30 Alex Glew
[…] but do include some pertinent personal info below. Or if you are pressed for time, see my post of the Oct. 6 KMVT video which has time markers for each question. ] […]