A look at Los Altos City Council Candidate positions across key issues, HOUSING - our Housing Element rezoning, Objective Standards development, Support for State Housing Laws - DOWNTOWN PARKLETTES, HIGH LEGAL FEES - 40 Main...
Category - City Council
Follow the major issues of City of Los Altos Government as considered by the 5 person Los City Council and city staff.
Los Altos Reach Code 2022. Kiss your Gas Goodbye?
A new Los Altos Reach Code 2022 could extend the gas ban for most gas appliances in new...
Los Altos City Council to find Councilmember Lynette Lee-Eng GUILTY
At the upcoming Tuesday May 25, 2021 meeting, the Los Altos City Council is poised to pass judgment...
Halsey House Hubris – Monument to 20th-Century Systemic Racism
In fall of 2019, we wrote an in-depth article about the myriad technical issues limiting the future...
Musings on the newest Justice Vanguard Operation
Justice Vanguard says ...Resign Lee-Eng? Really? If ever there was a misconstruing, a...
LAHS may get New Improved SRO Program
Press reports seem to tout the success of the ad hoc Los Altos Police Task Force (PTF) in having...
Black Lives Matter BLM Task Force – Police SRO super surveillance?
The first meeting of the Los ALtos Black Lives Matter BLM task force Oct. 14, 2020 solved the...
Justice Vanguard Dominates Defund Police Town Hall
The July 28 "listening" Los Altos City Council town hall was dominated by members, friends of, and...
Anti-racist Critics Reject Council BLM Task Force Idea
About a dozen local BLM activists made sometimes angry public comments at the June 23 Los Altos...
Bruins Atones for Racism, 8 Can’t Wait Reform, a Transcript
As I public service I have produced A TRANSCRIPT of the important June 9, 2020 speeches that...